Location and accessibility

The house with its beautiful view of the Mont Ventoux is located at the end of a dead end street, 2 km from the village of Mérindol-les-Oliviers, between Vaison-la-Romaine (10 km) and Nyons (16 km). Malaucène is located 17 km from Ventoux Deluxe.

Local bakery at 3 km (Faucon). Supermarket at 10 km (Vaison-la-Romaine). Excellent local restaurants in the neighbourhood.

  • Free parking for maximum 4 cars.
  • GPS Coordinates: 44.277248 5.150012
  • Ventoux Deluxe is registered on WAZE. Search on 'ventoux deluxe'.
  • The nearest TGV station is Avignon. To drive from Avignon to Ventoux Deluxe by car, you have to take into account a journey time of 55 minutes.
  • The nearest airport is Marseille-Provence. It will take you approximately 1h45 to get to Ventoux Deluxe by car. If you travel via Lyon-Exupéry Airport , you should take into account a 2h30 drive to Ventoux Deluxe.

Ventoux Deluxe
